Genealogy of characters in Bath Tangle

                                      |                            |
                                      ?=?                          ?=?
                                       |                            |
    +-------------+         +----------+--------+                   |
    |             | 1       |       2           |                   |
Dorrington=Susan  ?===George Carlow===Fanny  Theresa=Eaglesham   Hartley=Jane
          |         | (5th Earl of                            (6th Earl)|
          |         |  Spenborough)                         +--+--+-----+
          ?         |                                       |  |  |     |
       Florence  Serena                                     ?  ?  ?  Francis


            |                                       |
            ?=?                                     ?=?
             |                                       |
       +-----+-----+--------------------+            |
       |           |                    |            |
Ivo Barrasford  Augusta=Silchester  Cpt Talbot   Monksleigh=Cordelia
 (Marquis of           |                                   |
  Rotterham)     +-----+--+        +------+-------+--------+------+-----+
                 |        |        |      |       |        |      |     |
              Caroline  Elphin  Gerard  Susan  Margaret Charlie  Tom  Lizzie


Sir William=?
Claypole   |
        |      |
      Agnes  Fanny

                        1            2                       
          George Sebden===Mrs Floore===Ned Floore
Sir Walter Laleham=Lady Laleham
           |      |      |
         Edgar  Emily  Anne